Alitalia- билет студенту

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Alitalia- билет студенту

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение belaya » 04 июл 2016, 20:50

у Alitalia был куплен билет Рим- Сардиния. Спец тариф, правила ниже на инглише (выделила то, что показалось относящимся к "делу". Пассажир 19 лет, студент российского вуза, паспорта достаточно? немного плыву с переводом, но вроде как не нужно быть жителем Сардинии, чтоб попасть под льготный тариф по пункту 12-21 years?
есть студенческий на русском, этого достаточно или запастись чем то еще, как то нотариально заверенный перевод?
DISCOUNTED FARES FOR SPECIFIC PASSENGER CATEGORIES ARE PROVIDED FOR THE SELECTED FLIGHTS (without any discrimination related to place of birth or nationality):
Residents of Sardinia*
People with reduced mobility**
Pensioners over the age of 70*
Children aged between 2 and 11 years* (only through call center, if the children are traveling with passengers that do not meet the requirements for territorial continuity discounted fares)
Young people aged between 12 and 21 years*
University students until their 27th birthday***

Customers may be asked at any time to present documentation that proves that they belong to one of the categories listed above:
*Valid identity document that certifies current residence in Sardinia or fulfilment of the age requirements for the discounted fare
**Medical certificate that certifies the disability
***Valid university student record book. If the record book does not include an expiration date, a university enrolment certificate for the current year must be presented
ATTENTION: Air tickets for passengers meeting the requirements for Territorial Continuity discounted fares cannot be bought in a single web transaction together with tickets for passengers that do not meet these requirements. Alitalia reserves the right to take legal action against ineligible parties. The online sales service is free of charge.
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