Работа в Океании

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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #201

Сообщение iskanderyem » 08 фев 2012, 09:50

Svarog писал(а) 07 фев 2012, 19:06:Конечно, кто-то работает и лечит людей. Вот кто это - для меня загадка

Предлагаю больше нам не флудить в теме Сергея. За флуд приношу свои извинения

Вот именно. Кто-то работает

А ТС - спасибо за вашу работу, продолжайте, смысл в этом есть. Думаю не я один с интересом слежу за темой.
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #202

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 08 фев 2012, 09:59

Svarog писал(а) 07 фев 2012, 14:21:ENT Specialist - нереально для россиянина. Можно даже не пробовать
General Surgeon - нереально, но можно попробовать (если ты уже высококлассный хирург) и если сорвать ДжекПот, через лет 7 ты общий хирург
Это что касается хирургических специальностей.

Во-первых- вы не допускаете, что эту ветку читают люди, у которых эти плюшки УЖЕ есть? соответственно, для них это не представляет какой-либо проблемы. согласны?
во-вторых, маршалловы острова страна несколько специфичная. в принципе единственная цель, для чего они нужны- обеспечивать штатам голос в поддержку при голосовании в оон. там всё заточено под штаты, от валюты до школьных программ. соответственно, и требования к документам медработников там те же.
но океания большая. не так ли? есть тонга, тувалу, науру, кирибати, вануату, соломоновы острова, самоа, фиджи . про кирибати я уже где-то писал, вот ещё раз- http://www.pacificislandsaid.org им требуются медики. про какие-то "космические" требования не вижу.
а в утверждении, что если медик может получать 200 в астралии он никогда не поедет на 100 в океании есть лишь формальная логика. следую ей на земле не должно остаться населённых пунктов, кроме нью-йорка, цюриха и лондона. ведь там зарплаты выше, чем в мехико или афинах. я не буду тут говорить, что помимо доходов есть ещё и затраты. как прямые так и косвенные. кроме этого есть ещё куча факторов.
Последний раз редактировалось Serg from Piter 08 фев 2012, 10:26, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #203

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 08 фев 2012, 10:10

Есть вакансия для IT-специалистов на Американском Самоа:
Category: I.T. or Web
Country: American Samoa
Location: Pago Pago
Position: GIS Specialist
Salary: 35000-40000
Job Description:
The American Samoa Government, Department of Commerce, is looking for GIS Specialist to assist with the implementation of computer technologies, databases, software applications and tools to produce an integrated information system. The GIS Specialist will report directly to the Manager of the American Samoa Coastal Management Program (ASCMP) and will utilize GIS for the purpose of data management and analysis, as well as organizing and enhancing existing systems. The GIS Specialist will lead the territory’s GIS users’ group to create policies directing territory-wide GIS activities (data sharing, standardized coordinate and datum scheme, and update responsibilities). As necessary, the GIS Specialist will assist technical staff in the effort to install, implement, and manage the on-going updates of ASCMP data and information systems. The GIS personnel will respond to requests of users, and troubleshoot problems relating to software and hardware errors, and will train other users as needed. The GIS personnel will also provide IT support to DOC including, specifications of computers, printers, plotters and network connectivity.
Date: January 20, 2012
For more information contact Christin Reynolds at 684 -633 5155 or 633-5566 or at Christin.Reynolds@doc.as.
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #204

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 08 фев 2012, 10:15

как я понимаю, австралийской компании требуются торговые агенты на островах тихого океана:
Sales Representative
Country *Opportunity available in all Pacific Is.
Salary N/A
Job Type Full-time
Closing Date 22.02.2012
Website http://bmsydney.com
Contact Email sales@bmsydney.com
Are you passionate about sales? Do you have the drive and commitment to achieve?
BM Sydney, a Sydney based Building Materials company has need for a talented Sales Rep to sell imported and local building materials products of all range across the Pacific region. Attractive commission payable.
If you think this is the position for you, Please email your resume with cover letter to sales@bmsydney.com.
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #205

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 08 фев 2012, 10:19

Добровольцы для работы на Фиджи:
Dolphin Conservation in Fiji Volunteer Project
Employer Global Vision International
Country Fiji
Salary N/A
Job Type Full-time
Closing Date 29.02.2012
Website http://www.gviaustralia.com.au
Contact Name James Whiteley
Contact Email info@gviworld.com
Play a vital and active role in the research and conservation of the incredible spinner dolphin amongst the white sand beaches and crystal clear waters of Fiji.
While on this project you will work directly with our conservation team as you track, monitor and study the dolphins’ behaviour.
The project is run in conjunction with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, and research collected is shared with other organisations worldwide in order to inform marine conservation policies and management.
Our base is situated on Viti Levu, Fiji’s largest island in the unique location of Moon Reef, famous as the only place in Fiji where spinner dolphins are seen using a reef system as a critical resting habitat every day of the.
Costs/dates/durations program information and application form:
Please visit- http://www.gviaustralia.com.au/programs ... er-project
Feel free to email us at info@gviworld.com or call on (+61) 1300 795 013
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #206

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 10 фев 2012, 08:40

Вакансии для инженеров (консультантов на Самоа)
Government of Samoa
Environmental Consultant
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment invites interests from qualified personnel with a BE Civil degree in the field of Wastewater Engineering to develop a Code of Environmental Practice for odour control of wastewater treatment plants.
Detailed Terms of Reference for the application procedure are available from the following website: www.mnre.gov.ws .
All applications must be submitted by Friday 2nd March 2012 no later than 4.00pm and must be submitted to: ACEO PUMA, Tagaloa Jude Kohlhase on jude.kohlhase@mnre.gov.ws and copied to: Secretary Tenders Board on foketi.imo@mof.gov.ws
For clarifications or further information contact:
Tagaloa Jude Kohlhase on jude.kohlhase@mnre.gov.ws or Toai Atoa Bartley on toai.bartley@mnre.gov.ws or Tel: 67200.
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Serg from Piter
активный участник
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #207

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 27 фев 2012, 08:24

The Government of Samoa is seeking to engage the services of a Water Utilities Governance Expert and a legal expert to assist the Ministry of Finance in reviewing and providing recommendations to strengthen the governance arrangements of the Samoa Water Authority. This study forms part of phase 2 of the Public Finance Management Reform programme which is being implemented with support from the AusAID Performance-linked Aid programme.
Quotations are invited from suitably qualified consultants to undertake this assignment. Experts may apply individually or as a team through a company.
Detailed Terms of Reference and information on the application procedure are available on the following websites www.mof.gov.ws under Services/Procurement..
The deadline for submission is 10:00am local Samoan time on Monday 26th March 2012.

Applications must be submitted to:
The Secretary Tenders Board
Ministry of Finance
4th Floor, Central Bank Building
Beach Road
Private Bag
Apia, Samoa
For any clarifications please contact Ms. Elita Tooala on email: elita.tooala@mof.gov.ws, Tel: +685 34321, or at the Office of the Ministry of Finance, Level 4, Central Bank Building, Apia, Samoa.
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Serg from Piter
активный участник
Сообщения: 553
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #208

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 29 фев 2012, 09:38

The Secretariat has some exciting and challenging opportunities in our Corporate Services Division and all qualified professionals who are interested to be part of one of the world’s leading regional environmental organisations are invited to apply.
· Information Resource Centre & Archives Manager (IRCAM)
· Publications Officer (PBO)
Full details on responsibilities, requirements, remuneration packages and lodging an application can be obtained from the Employment section of our website: http://www.sprep.org or by contacting the HR Officer on telephone: +685 21929 Ext. 230, Fax: +685 20231, or direct Email: luanac@sprep.org
Closing date: Friday, 23rd March 2012
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Serg from Piter
активный участник
Сообщения: 553
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #209

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 06 мар 2012, 07:47

Вакансия для IT-шников на самоа:
The Government of Samoa is seeking to recruit a Facilitator/ IT & Communications Sector Planning Expert for 50 working days to assist the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) in developing and formulating an IT/Communications Sector Plan and Implementation Programme based on existing policies and plans.
Detailed Terms of Reference and information on the application procedure are available from the following web site (ref: PFMR2/2012/16): www.mof.gov.ws under Services/Procurement.
The deadline for submission is 10.00am local Samoan time on Monday 02nd April 2012. Applications must be submitted to:
The Secretary Tenders Board
Ministry of Finance
4th Floor, Central Bank Building
Beach Road
Private Bag
Apia, Samoa
For clarifications and further information, please contact:
Tuloa Fetufou Aiono OR Anthony Sa’aga
Email : t.faiono@mcit.gov.ws Email : ynot@mcit.gov.ws
Tel : +685 26117 Tel : +685 26117
TATTE Building TATTE Building
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Аватара пользователя
Serg from Piter
активный участник
Сообщения: 553
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #210

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 06 мар 2012, 07:51

На тувалу требуется специалист по морским экосистемам (биолог, ихтиолог):
Project Name:
Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity
Title of the Consultancy:
National Consultant – Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist (Tuvalu)
Under the overall guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) and the Project Development Specialist, the Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
The Government of Tuvalu has been granted funds under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to prepare a project linked to the enhancement of resilience of marine-based coastal livelihoods and climate hazard response capacity, benefiting all islands of Tuvalu. Both national and local authorities need additional investment and technical support in ensuring that their development agenda is not undermined by a changing climate.

In this regard, the Project will provide additional resources necessary to ensure that communities in Tuvalu continue to maintain viability of marine-based coastal livelihoods and to enhance capacity to respond to increasing climate induced hydro-meteorological risks. The main project components include: (i) implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options to reduce vulnerability to future climate change; (ii) enhanced communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination to increase the response capacity of outer islands to increasingly frequent storms; (iii) and inclusive local planning, budgeting and budget execution for strengthened climate resilience.
The project is seeking a qualified short-term National Consultant to fill the position of a Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist, working alongside an international Project Development Specialist and National Disaster Risk Management Specialist. The Consultant will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.

COMPONENT 1 – Technical Definition and Capacity Needs Assessment
Data collection on existing marine protected areas (both formal and informal) and relevant policies and plans;
Summarize the existing practices towards managing informal marine protected areas including zoning, resource stock surveys, monitoring and enforcement;
· Summarize the current state of relevant climate risk and vulnerability analysis available in the country, with a focus on marine ecosystems, livelihoods and management;
· Identify and review existing vulnerability studies and assessments of climate change on marine ecosystems and marine-based coastal livelihoods;
· Assess the existing level of marine resource utilization for household consumption and commercial purposes;
· Assess the current level of Special Development Expenditure invested in enhancing the baseline development related to fisheries and protected areas;
· Assess existing land-use practices and planning to gauge the potential, risks and needs of in-land fisheries development;
Identify menu of suitable marine-based livelihood options in support of climate resilience livelihood;
Assess existing capacities at sector and outer island levels to apply climate science information in planning and implementing sustainable use of marine resources linked to local development planning – both in terms of functional and technical capacities for organizations and individuals;
Assess existing capacities of Community Fisheries Centers and relevant CSOs in incorporating available climate change information in adjusting the services they provide
Assess existing awareness of target communities of climate hazards, risk, and adaptation strategies and methods.
Identify possible sites for the introduction of climate resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options including near-shore cage farming, in-land spawning and aquaculture.

COMPONENT 2 – Institutional Arrangements, Monitoring and Evaluation
Assist the Project Development Specialist in the design of a Strategic Results Framework and the delineation of indicative project activities, with a specific focus on Component 1 of the Project Identification Form – Implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options;
Define key project roles, responsibilities and project management arrangements for the project, specifically with respect to Component 1;
Develop a replication and sustainability strategy for the project;
Define a project sustainability strategy to ensure replication of project benefits beyond the lifetime of the project.

COMPONENT 3 – Stakeholder Consultations and Involvement Plan
Analyze the existing stakeholder baseline of the project by inventorying relevant stakeholders and developing a stakeholder involvement plan for the project;
Coordinate negotiations and consultations with relevant government agencies, project stakeholders and potential project partners to collect input and define a basic project strategy;
Ensure that project design is aligned specifically with respect to the SPC-led Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal fisheries to climate change project;
Carry out selected community-based consultations to assess existing vulnerabilities to help support project design including selection of proposed marine-based coastal livelihood interventions on the ground;
Undertake baseline survey as basis for elaboration of the GEF specific Adaptation Monitoring framework and indicators (AMAT).

COMPONENT 4 – Financial Planning and Co-financing Definition
Support the International Project Development Specialist in financial management planning and identifying and finalizing project co-financing requirements, with respect to ecosystem services and assets.

COMPONENT 5 – Drafting of Full-size UNDP/GEF Compliant Project Document
Liaise with the International Project Development Specialist and provide him/her with local assessment information needed to formulate a complete, UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document

The Consultant will support the International Project Development Specialist in providing a comprehensive UNDP/GEF LDCF compliant set of project documents. The key deliverables in support of this product are as follows:

Assessment of marine ecosystem functions, status and vulnerability to climate risks
Assessment of current use of marine ecosystem for livelihoods with gender-disaggregated information
Assessment of the operation, management, effectiveness and vulnerability of marine protected areas
Assessment of land-use in coastal areas for current and potential fisheries-related development
Capacity assessment of key stakeholders including communities, Kaupules, CFCs, CSOs, etc, for developing/enhancing climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Problem analysis and strategy for promoting climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Stakeholder involvement plan
Strategic Results Framework for the project
Review and inputs to finalized project documentation (Prodoc, CEO Endorsement Template, AMAT Framework) as directed by the international project development specialist

These sections are indicative; As templates may be subject to change, the Consultant will be required to obtain guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, UNDP MCO and the International Project Development Specialist on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP MCO requirements.

Postgraduate degree or equivalent education in ecosystems and biodiversity, natural resources and/or environment related discipline.
· Experience and skills in facilitation or multi-stakeholder workshops and broad-based consultative processes;
· Previous experience of working with International Organisations and ideally on the development of GEF projects;
· Excellent analytical skills;
· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
· Very good inter-personal skills and the ability to work with a multitude of stakeholders;
· Proficiency in computers; good working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet programmes, particularly MS Word and MS Excel.
Time frame:
The timeframe for this assignment will be a total of 150 working days over a period from March 2012 to October 2012. During this time the Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist will be expected to be in Funafuti as well as make occasional visits to the project areas across the country.
Inputs : The Project Development Specialist is required to have his/her own computer for the consultancy, and availability to travel to at least some Islands in Tuvalu during the duration of the consultancy.
All applications must include a Results-Oriented Curriculum Vitae with full contact details of three referees and P-11 form to be submitted by March 16 2012, 5:30PM Fiji Time either electronically to david.lumutivou@undp.org or addressed under confidential cover to:
Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist (Tuvalu)
C/- UNDP Resident Representative
Private Mail Bag
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Further queries about the consultancy can be directed towards Winifereti Nainoca (winifereti.nainoca@undp.org)
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Serg from Piter
активный участник
Сообщения: 553
Регистрация: 02.03.2005
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Пол: Мужской

Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #211

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 06 мар 2012, 07:54

ещё вакансия на тувалу:
Project Name:
Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity
Title of the Consultancy:
National Consultant – Disaster Risk Management specialist (Tuvalu)
Under the overall guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) and the Project Development Specialist, the Disaster Risk Management Specialist will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
The Government of Tuvalu has been granted funds under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to prepare a project linked to the enhancement of resilience of marine-based coastal livelihoods and climate hazard response capacity, benefiting all islands of Tuvalu. Both national and local authorities need additional investment and technical support in ensuring that their development agenda is not undermined by a changing climate.
In this regard, the Project will provide additional resources necessary to ensure that communities in Tuvalu continue to maintain viability of marine-based coastal livelihoods and to enhance capacity to respond to increasing climate induced hydro-meteorological risks. The main project components include:
(i) implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options to reduce vulnerability to future climate change;
(ii) enhanced communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination to increase the response capacity of outer islands to increasingly frequent storms;
(iii) and inclusive local planning, budgeting and budget execution for strengthened climate resilience.
The project is seeking a qualified short-term National Consultant to fill the position of a Disaster Risk Management Specialist, working alongside an international Project Development Specialist and National Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist. The Consultant will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
COMPONENT 1 – Technical Definition and Capacity Needs Assessment
Data collection on existing disaster management policies, plans and practices at both national and island level, including analysis of the National Disaster Management Plan and the Joint National Action Plan on Disaster Risk Management;
Identify specific roles, responsibilities and capacity in the disaster information transmission mechanism as specified in page 10 of the PIF, with gender disaggregated information at the community level
Identify existing equipment at the outer island level in relation to disaster response including satellite phones, radio equipment, public announcement systems, radios at household level;
· Identify and review existing and future vulnerability studies and assessments of climate change on climate hazards;
· Undertake needs assessment for DRM trainings and island disaster response plans in close consultation with the Disaster Management Office;

Identify menu of suitable technology(ies) to enhance the communication capacity between the capital and outer islands including early warning system and radio receivers;
Identify specific potential maintenance needs for the technologies adopted;
Assess existing investment through the Special Development Expenditure to enhance islands’ DRM capacity.

COMPONENT 2 – Institutional Arrangements, Monitoring and Evaluation
Assist the Project Development Specialist in the design of a Strategic Results Framework and the delineation of indicative project activities, with a specific focus on Component 2 of the Project Identification Form – Enhancing communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination;
Define key project roles, responsibilities and project management arrangements for the project, specifically with respect to Component 2;

COMPONENT 3 – Stakeholder Consultations and Involvement Plan
Analyze the existing stakeholder baseline of the project by inventorying relevant stakeholders and developing a stakeholder involvement plan for the project;
Coordinate negotiations and consultations with relevant government agencies, project stakeholders and potential project partners to collect input and define a basic project strategy;
Ensure that project design is aligned specifically with respect to the JICA’s AM Radio project;
Carry out selected community-based consultations to assess existing challenges and capacity gaps in implementing island disaster response plans and communication protocols;
Undertake baseline survey as basis for elaboration of the GEF specific Adaptation Monitoring framework and indicators (AMAT).

COMPONENT 4 – Financial Planning and Co-financing Definition
Support the International Project Development Specialist in financial management planning and identifying and finalizing project co-financing requirements, with respect to ecosystem services and assets.

COMPONENT 5 – Drafting of Full-size UNDP/GEF Compliant Project Document
Liaise with the International Project Development Specialist and provide him/her with local assessment information needed to formulate a complete, UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document

The Consultant will support the International Project Development Specialist in providing a comprehensive UNDP/GEF LDCF compliant set of project documents. The key deliverables in support of this product are as follows:
A summary of disaster management policies, plans and practices at the national and island level with analysis on roles, responsibilities and capacity assessments of each stakeholder who takes part in disaster response. At the island-level, gender-disaggregated information is necessary;
A list of mechanical inventories, with proper pricing and technical specifications, for the investment of equipment to enhance DRM communication facilities at outer island level;
Assessment of training needs among national DMO, Island Disaster Committees and communities for effective distribution of early warning information and early response measures;
Problem analysis and strategy for promoting climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Stakeholder involvement plan
Strategic Results Framework for the project
Review and inputs to finalized project documentation (Prodoc, CEO Endorsement Template, AMAT Framework) as directed by the international project development specialist
These sections are indicative; As templates may be subject to change, the Consultant will be required to obtain guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, UNDP MCO and the International Project Development Specialist on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP MCO requirements.

Postgraduate degree in disaster risk management or a related field in the Pacific Islands and/or with a 10year Pacific work experience.
· Experience and skills in facilitation or multi-stakeholder workshops and broad-based consultative processes;
· Previous experience of working with International Organisations and ideally on the development of GEF projects;
· Excellent analytical skills;
· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
· Very good inter-personal skills and the ability to work with a multitude of stakeholders;
· Proficiency in computers; good working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet programmes, particularly MS Word and MS Excel.

Time frame:
The timeframe for this assignment will be a total of 50 working days over a period from March 2012 to September 2012. During this time the Disaster Risk Management Specialist will be expected to be in Funafuti as well as make occasional visits to the project areas across the country.

The Disaster Risk Management Specialist is required to have his/her own computer for the consultancy, and availability to travel to at least some Islands in Tuvalu during the duration of the consultancy.

All applications must include a Results-Oriented Curriculum Vitae with full contact details of three referees and P-11 form to be submitted by March 16, 2012 , 5:30PM Fiji Time either electronically to david.lumutivou@undp.org or addressed under confidential cover to:

Disaster Risk Management Specialist (Tuvalu)
C/- UNDP Resident Representative
Private Mail Bag
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Further queries about the consultancy can be directed towards Winifereti Nainoca (winifereti.nainoca@undp.org )
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #212

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 13 мар 2012, 08:48

Вакансия от ООН на Фиджи:
Economics Affairs Officer – P4
DATE OF ISSUANCE: 12 March 2012
ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Pacific Office

Depending on professional background, experience and family situation, a competitive compensation and benefits package is offered.
More Info
Org. Setting and Reporting
The mandate of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is to promote regional cooperation for inclusive economic and social development in the Asian and Pacific region. ESCAP’s role as a regional development arm of the United Nations Secretariat is to support its membership, through its analytical, normative and technical cooperation, to respond to the development priorities and changing needs of the Asian and Pacific region.
Under the supervision of the Head of the United Nations ESCAP Pacific Office (EPO), the incumbent will have the following duties and responsibilities:
Within delegated authority, the Economic Affairs Officer will:
a) Monitor inclusive and sustainable developments in the Pacific small islands developing States and identify recurrent and emerging issues of concern to the United Nations;
b) Design and conduct studies of selected issues in inclusive and sustainable development and draft resulting reports;
c) Interpret and apply results of economic, social and environment analyses to development prospects and policies;
d) Develop draft policy recommendations pertaining to area of work;
e) Formulate proposals for inclusive and sustainable development strategies, policies and measures for presentation to intergovernmental bodies and others;
f) Attend international, regional, and national meetings to hold discussions with representatives of governments and other institutions;
g) Organize expert group meetings, seminars, etc;
h) Prepare speeches and other inputs for presentations by senior staff;
i) Provide substantive support to intergovernmental bodies such as ESCAP and its subsidiary bodies;
j) Represent EPO at international, regional and national meetings;
k) Undertake missions to member states, either alone or as a participant in a diverse team, as part of ESCAP’s analytical, advocacy and technical assistance activities;
l) Participate in global, regional and national analyses and reviews that provide a basis for advising the UN and national governments;
m) Conduct training seminars and workshops for government officials and others; and
n) Carry out any other duties as agreed with the Head of Office.

Core Competencies:
– Ability to apply sustainable development including green growth theories and concepts in different development sectors in developing countries and small island developing states.
– Ability to conduct independent research on sustainable development topics, determine suitability, validity and accuracy of data provided in different sources.
– Ability to identify and develop sources for data collection.
– Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject maters; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges, remains calm in stressful situations.
– Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
– Speaks and writes clearly and effectively;
– Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately;
– Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication;
– Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience;
– Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

Client Orientation:
– Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view;
– Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect;
– Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions;
– Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems;
– Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects;
– Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.

Advance university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in economic development or a field related to sustainable development including environment/resource management and/or economics. A first-level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Work Experience
A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in economic or sustainable development research and analysis, policy formulation, application of the concepts of inclusiveness and sustainability in development programmes or related areas.
Expertise in the area of environmental and resource management or economics in the context of sustainable development of the small islands developing States, would be an advantage.
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of other official UN languages is desirable.
United Nations Considerations
The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.
Assessment Method
A written test and competency based interview.
Special Notice
This post is located in Suva, Fiji.
Staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.
No Fee
Application process
To apply for this post you will need to apply online using the United Nations jobs website (careers.un.org). A direct link to the Job Opening is provided here:
https://inspira.un.org/psc/UNCAREERS/EM ... ngId=23063
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #213

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 13 мар 2012, 08:49

Вакансии в Унивесрситете Южного Тихого Океана (6 шт.):
6 Advisers Positions and Postdoctoral Fellow
Our client PICPA, is seeking up to six full time Advisers to be based in Suva, Fiji initially for 2 years and who will be available to provide advice and mentoring to Pacific Island governments. These positions are:

Duties include training needs analysis, and scoping and evaluation of training programs and providers

Duties include measures of performance and implementation of systems

Duties include ensuring integration between HR and government financial systems.

Particularly at provincial and local level and in outer islands

Duties include government communications within the public service, ministers, members of the legislature, external stakeholders and the public

Duties include the management of Pacific Village Online


A 1 to 2 year fellowship is available for recently graduated PhD students in an appropriate discipline. Details on the Pacific Recruit website.
Assisting Organisations Improve their Performance
Further Details: Position descriptions & additional details are available from the website www.pacificrecruit.com.
Contact: Laisa +679 3303137
How to Apply: Email applications, [cover letter & CV] with the specific position title in the subject to USPjobs@pacificrecruit.com
Closing Date: 29th March 2012 or until filled
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Serg from Piter
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Пол: Мужской

Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #214

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 14 мар 2012, 10:05

Срочно! "Дедлайновые" вакансии на Тувалу!
Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist (Tuvalu )
Project Name:
Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity
Title of the Consultancy:
National Consultant – Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist (Tuvalu)
Under the overall guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) and the Project Development Specialist, the Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
The Government of Tuvalu has been granted funds under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to prepare a project linked to the enhancement of resilience of marine-based coastal livelihoods and climate hazard response capacity, benefiting all islands of Tuvalu. Both national and local authorities need additional investment and technical support in ensuring that their development agenda is not undermined by a changing climate.
In this regard, the Project will provide additional resources necessary to ensure that communities in Tuvalu continue to maintain viability of marine-based coastal livelihoods and to enhance capacity to respond to increasing climate induced hydro-meteorological risks. The main project components include: (i) implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options to reduce vulnerability to future climate change; (ii) enhanced communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination to increase the response capacity of outer islands to increasingly frequent storms; (iii) and inclusive local planning, budgeting and budget execution for strengthened climate resilience.
The project is seeking a qualified short-term National Consultant to fill the position of a Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist, working alongside an international Project Development Specialist and National Disaster Risk Management Specialist. The Consultant will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
COMPONENT 1 – Technical Definition and Capacity Needs Assessment
Data collection on existing marine protected areas (both formal and informal) and relevant policies and plans;
Summarize the existing practices towards managing informal marine protected areas including zoning, resource stock surveys, monitoring and enforcement;
· Summarize the current state of relevant climate risk and vulnerability analysis available in the country, with a focus on marine ecosystems, livelihoods and management;
· Identify and review existing vulnerability studies and assessments of climate change on marine ecosystems and marine-based coastal livelihoods;
· Assess the existing level of marine resource utilization for household consumption and commercial purposes;
· Assess the current level of Special Development Expenditure invested in enhancing the baseline development related to fisheries and protected areas;
· Assess existing land-use practices and planning to gauge the potential, risks and needs of in-land fisheries development;
Identify menu of suitable marine-based livelihood options in support of climate resilience livelihood;
Assess existing capacities at sector and outer island levels to apply climate science information in planning and implementing sustainable use of marine resources linked to local development planning – both in terms of functional and technical capacities for organizations and individuals;
Assess existing capacities of Community Fisheries Centers and relevant CSOs in incorporating available climate change information in adjusting the services they provide
Assess existing awareness of target communities of climate hazards, risk, and adaptation strategies and methods.
Identify possible sites for the introduction of climate resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options including near-shore cage farming, in-land spawning and aquaculture.
COMPONENT 2 – Institutional Arrangements, Monitoring and Evaluation
Assist the Project Development Specialist in the design of a Strategic Results Framework and the delineation of indicative project activities, with a specific focus on Component 1 of the Project Identification Form – Implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options;
Define key project roles, responsibilities and project management arrangements for the project, specifically with respect to Component 1;
Develop a replication and sustainability strategy for the project;
Define a project sustainability strategy to ensure replication of project benefits beyond the lifetime of the project.
COMPONENT 3 – Stakeholder Consultations and Involvement Plan
Analyze the existing stakeholder baseline of the project by inventorying relevant stakeholders and developing a stakeholder involvement plan for the project;
Coordinate negotiations and consultations with relevant government agencies, project stakeholders and potential project partners to collect input and define a basic project strategy;
Ensure that project design is aligned specifically with respect to the SPC-led Vulnerability and adaptation of coastal fisheries to climate change project;
Carry out selected community-based consultations to assess existing vulnerabilities to help support project design including selection of proposed marine-based coastal livelihood interventions on the ground;
Undertake baseline survey as basis for elaboration of the GEF specific Adaptation Monitoring framework and indicators (AMAT).
COMPONENT 4 – Financial Planning and Co-financing Definition
Support the International Project Development Specialist in financial management planning and identifying and finalizing project co-financing requirements, with respect to ecosystem services and assets.
COMPONENT 5 – Drafting of Full-size UNDP/GEF Compliant Project Document
Liaise with the International Project Development Specialist and provide him/her with local assessment information needed to formulate a complete, UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document
The Consultant will support the International Project Development Specialist in providing a comprehensive UNDP/GEF LDCF compliant set of project documents. The key deliverables in support of this product are as follows:
Assessment of marine ecosystem functions, status and vulnerability to climate risks
Assessment of current use of marine ecosystem for livelihoods with gender-disaggregated information
Assessment of the operation, management, effectiveness and vulnerability of marine protected areas
Assessment of land-use in coastal areas for current and potential fisheries-related development
Capacity assessment of key stakeholders including communities, Kaupules, CFCs, CSOs, etc, for developing/enhancing climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Problem analysis and strategy for promoting climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Stakeholder involvement plan
Strategic Results Framework for the project
Review and inputs to finalized project documentation (Prodoc, CEO Endorsement Template, AMAT Framework) as directed by the international project development specialist
These sections are indicative; As templates may be subject to change, the Consultant will be required to obtain guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, UNDP MCO and the International Project Development Specialist on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP MCO requirements.
Postgraduate degree or equivalent education in ecosystems and biodiversity, natural resources and/or environment related discipline.
· Experience and skills in facilitation or multi-stakeholder workshops and broad-based consultative processes;
· Previous experience of working with International Organisations and ideally on the development of GEF projects;
· Excellent analytical skills;
· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
· Very good inter-personal skills and the ability to work with a multitude of stakeholders;
· Proficiency in computers; good working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet programmes, particularly MS Word and MS Excel.
Time frame:
The timeframe for this assignment will be a total of 150 working days over a period from March 2012 to October 2012. During this time the Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist will be expected to be in Funafuti as well as make occasional visits to the project areas across the country.
Inputs : The Project Development Specialist is required to have his/her own computer for the consultancy, and availability to travel to at least some Islands in Tuvalu during the duration of the consultancy.
All applications must include a Results-Oriented Curriculum Vitae with full contact details of three referees and P-11 form to be submitted by March 16 2012, 5:30PM Fiji Time either electronically to david.lumutivou@undp.org or addressed under confidential cover to:
Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist (Tuvalu)
C/- UNDP Resident Representative
Private Mail Bag

Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Further queries about the consultancy can be directed towards Winifereti Nainoca (winifereti.nainoca@undp.org)
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Аватара пользователя
Serg from Piter
активный участник
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Пол: Мужской

Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #215

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 14 мар 2012, 10:08

Срочно! "Дедлайновые" вакансии на Тувалу!
Project Development Specialist – Climate Change (Tuvalu)
Project Name:
Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity
Title of the Consultancy:
Lead International Consultant – Project Development Specialist, Climate Change (Tuvalu)
Under the overall guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) the Project Development Specialist will define and coordinate the inputs of a consultant team (“the Team”) to prepare a project document which meets UNDP and GEF/LDCF requirements for approval, in consultation with local counterparts and UNDP.
UNDP is supporting the Government of Tuvalu in addressing its development challenges specifically through its continued support for strengthened local governance, with a focus on outer islands. An important emerging area linked to this work relates to the increasing risks to local development and the provision of local services associated with climate variability as well as longer term climate change. By integrating measures to assess and plan for these risks into local government planning, budgeting and budget execution, the long term sustainability of these services can be secured.
A Project Preparation Grant (PPG) for a Project entitled “Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure And Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity” has been secured from the Least Development Countries Fund (LDCF) of the UNFCCC. The assignment is aimed at preparing a full-size UNDP project document in line with an approved Project Identification Form (PIF) that has been submitted to the Global Environment Facility, which administers the LDCF.
The Project will provide additional resources necessary to ensure that communities in Tuvalu continue to maintain viability of marine-based coastal livelihoods and to enhance capacity to respond to increasing climate induced hydro-meteorological risks. The main project components include: (i) implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options to reduce vulnerability to future climate change; (ii) enhanced communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination to increase the response capacity of outer islands to increasingly frequent storms; (iii) and inclusive local planning, budgeting and budget execution for strengthened climate resilience.
The Project will use the existing island level development planning and budgeting process – Island Strategic Plan and Special Development Expenditures, respectively – to channel additional financial resources and technical support on adaptation in the context of protecting marine-based coastal livelihoods and climate-induced disaster risk reduction. This element of the project will be drawn together through participatory and transparent local planning and budget measures being implemented through UNDP’s Support to Local Governance (SLG) programme. In addition, the project will enhance disaster risk reduction communication infrastructure across all outer islands building on an on-going donor assistance to establish nationwide AM radio network. The implementing partner for the project is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tourism,Trade, Environment and Labor (MoFATTEL), in close collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development (MoHARD), Ministry of Natural Resources, and Disaster Management Office.
Duty Station
Primary duty station is in Tuvalu during the engagement period. Up to 3 Field Missions, each with extensive stay in the country and travel to outer islands, will be required in consultation with the Government, UNDP Fiji MCO and the Tuvalu UN Joint Presence Office.
Main tasks leading to the formulation of the project document involve:
COMPONENT 1 – Technical Definition and Capacity Needs Assessment
Oversee definition of the project baseline (i.e. current policies, strategies, current capacities and activities, baseline M&E indicators) and contribute to the synthesis of relevant baseline information (gender-disaggregated if necessary), which will feed into the final project results framework;
· Undertaken a detailed assessment of the use of the Special Development Expenditures at the outer island level and review each Island Strategic Plans and its formulation processes; review the types of support the ISP formulation process is receiving from the first LDCF project and identify areas where the LDCF resources could be used to improve the planning and budgeting process in a climate resilient manner;
· Ensure that LDCF resources are used to address additional climate change-induced risks and existing community level vulnerabilities on top of the existing development baseline in the selected pilot regions/sites;
· With support from a team of national consultants, verify suitability and technical and financial feasibility of the selected adaptation options and ensure that they increase adaptive capacity and reduce long-term climate-change-induced vulnerability;
Identify and address gaps in information on activities underlying project outputs;
Facilitate and/or establish technical support coordination with regional organizations such as SPC and bilateral donors in the context of the focus of the project;
· Ensure that criteria for the selection of pilot sites and adaptation options reflect long-term vulnerability to climate change;
Develop an Additional Cost Analysis for the full-size project, compliant with the requirements of the GEF Full Scale Project template for Adaptation projects;
COMPONENT 2 – Institutional Arrangements, Monitoring and Evaluation
Propose a workable management arrangement for the project including decision making and hierarchical structure, roles and responsibilities and appropriate financial and technical workflow arrangements, taking into account existing arrangements for the disbursement of the Special Development Expenditure (SDE) and Falekaupule Trust Fund;
Assist the Fiji MCO in undertaking capacity assessments of the proposed Implementing Partner (Department of Environment), other key ministries and local institutions on financial management (HACT assessment), project management and implementation, and reporting requirements;
Review inputs by the national consultant team on the definition of the Strategic Results Framework including a Project Objective, Outcomes, Outputs and indicative Activities and ensure compliance of the Full Size Project monitoring framework with UNDP/GEF quality requirements (particularly that the indicators used are specific, measurable, appropriate, relevant and time bound);
Define a project sustainability strategy to ensure replication of project benefits beyond the lifetime of the project.
COMPONENT 3 – Stakeholder Consultations and Involvement Plan
Ensure that stakeholder consultations with relevant public and private authorities take place including mobilization of project beneficiaries in defining project components, including mapping climate change adaptation needs and gaps;
Provide advice and quality control for the design and implementation of an appropriate stakeholder involvement strategy;
Support awareness raising for climate change adaptation and capacity building of key stakeholders throughout the PPG phase through meetings and outreach materials;
Ensure that the development of the overall project framework is participatory, gender-sensitive and based on a wide range of project stakeholders;
Facilitate and guide appropriate alignment of the project with related activities of other government, donor and private sector-driven activities in climate change adaptation and otherwise, inter alia, the first LDCF project and UNDP-led Support to Local Governance and MDG projects;
Ensure that the workplan for the implementation phase of the project is appropriate and transparent in terms of activities and responsibilities;
COMPONENT 4 – Financial Planning and Co-financing Definition
Capture and detail the co-financing arrangements for each envisaged project component;
Put particular attention to the design of project components requiring joint financing from different sources and stakeholders;
Support discussions with Government to clarify and finalize co-financing contributions to the project
Explore and clarify multilateral and bilateral co-financing opportunities, in collaboration with the UNDP country office
COMPONENT 5 – Drafting of Full-size UNDP/GEF Compliant Project Document
Consolidate inputs by the consultant team into a full-size UNDP/GEF compliant climate change adaptation project document;
Review the findings of the technical assessments undertaken during the preparatory phase and synthesize them in the relevant sections of the final project document;
Discuss and agree on the indicative project activities and compile a first Annual Work Plan (as per UNDP CO format) for project implementation;
Finalize the overall Project Logical Framework (Objective, Outcomes, Outputs, Indicators, source of Verification, Risks/Assumptions) and Additional Cost Analysis;
Compile Total Budget and Financing Plan;
Draft Organigram, timetable and Terms of Reference for key functions within the final project document taking into account the requirements and guidelines of UNDP/Results-Based Management;
Review and finalize stakeholder involvement plan;
Review Management Arrangements, M&E plan and M&E Budget for UNDP/GEF compliance, including the new GEF AMAT monitoring framework;
Finalize administrative mechanisms, including measures for effective delivery of LDCF financing (e.g. through the use of local government delivery mechanisms through SGP) for the implementation phase, together with the UNDP Multi-Country Office;
Ensure that appropriate co-financing for the project is identified and that co-financing endorsement letters are available at the end of the PPG phase;
Compile Annexes for the full-size project document;
Ensure alignment of the full-size project document and CEO Endorsement Template with UNDP/GEF format and criteria;
Draft ToRs for all core project staff and national and international consultants
The key deliverable of the Project Development Specialist will be a final comprehensive UNDP/GEF LDCF project document in a style accessible to senior policy makers. The document should make full use of figures, diagrams and boxes to bring out key points and summarize materials emerging from the PPG phase.
Preparation of this key deliverable will include quality control and final formulation of the following indicative sections of a UNDP/GEF compliant project document:
Situation Analysis (including proposal sections on context, threats/root causes/barriers analysis, institutional/sectoral/policy context, stakeholder analysis, business-as-usual-analysis, gender issue analysis, indigenous groups, business-with-GEF-analysis)
Project Strategy (including proposal sections on project rationale and policy conformity, project goal, objective, outcomes, outputs and activities, project indicators, risks and assumptions, country ownership, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and replicability)
Institutional and Management Arrangements
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget
Additional Cost Analysis (including systems boundary, Summary of costs, additional cost matrix)
Strategic Results Framework (formerly Logical Framework Analysis)
Total Budget and First Annual Work plan
Project timetable
Legal Context
Risk Analysis
Key assessment reports
Capacity assessments
Terms of Reference for Project staff and main consultants and sub-contracts
Stakeholder involvement Plan
Letters of Endorsement and co-financing
These sections are indicative; As templates may be subject to change, the Project Development Specialist will be required to obtain guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor and UNDP MCO on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP MCO requirements.
Payment Schedule:
20% paid upon receiving the revised budget and combined WorkPlan;
25% of the contract amount will be paid upon submission of the Draft Strategic Results Framework available for review by UNDP CO and RTA
25% of the contract amount will be paid upon submission of the first draft of project document available and shared with UNDP CO, and RTA for review
20% of the contract amount will be paid upon the submission of Second draft of full-size project document incl. final SRF, budget and all Annexes complete; and
10% of the contract amount will be paid upon a Complete submission package is sent to Bangkok for final review / fine-tuning
Master’s Degree in either Natural Science or Social Science or equivalent in environment management, land use planning, development economics, sustainable development, or related field.
· At least 7 years of relevant experience in adaptation to climate change, environment management and sustainable development or a related field at the national or international level.
· Demonstrated experience in project formulation (English language), experience in GEF project formulation.
· Demonstrated experience in providing management advisory services
· Demonstrated track record in the design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and establishing/facilitating relationships between international organizations and national governments.
· Experience in the use of computers and office software packages, and in the handling of web based management systems.
Time frame:
100 working days in total including up to 3 fields missions to be agreed with the Head of Environment Team, Fiji MCO
Inputs : The Project Development Specialist is required to have his/her own computer for the consultancy, and availability to travel to at least some Islands in Tuvalu during the duration of the consultancy.
All applications must include a Results-Oriented Curriculum Vitae with full contact details of three referees and P-11 form to be submitted by March 16, 2012 , 5:30PM Fiji Time either electronically to david.lumutivou@undp.org or addressed under confidential cover to:
Project Development Specialist (Tuvalu)
C/- UNDP Resident Representative
Private Mail Bag
Incomplete applications will not be considered and only candidates for whom there is further interest will be contacted.
Further queries about the consultancy can be directed towards Winifereti Nainoca (winifereti.nainoca@undp.org)
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Аватара пользователя
Serg from Piter
активный участник
Сообщения: 553
Регистрация: 02.03.2005
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Благодарил (а): 24 раз.
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Возраст: 57
Страны: 23
Пол: Мужской

Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #216

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 14 мар 2012, 10:11

Срочно! "Дедлайновые" вакансии на Тувалу!
Disaster Risk Management Specialist
Project Name:
Effective and Responsive Island-Level Governance to Secure and Diversify Climate Resilient Marine-Based Coastal Livelihoods and Enhance Climate Hazard Response Capacity
Title of the Consultancy:
National Consultant – Disaster Risk Management specialist (Tuvalu)
Under the overall guidance from the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO) and the Project Development Specialist, the Disaster Risk Management Specialist will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
The Government of Tuvalu has been granted funds under the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to prepare a project linked to the enhancement of resilience of marine-based coastal livelihoods and climate hazard response capacity, benefiting all islands of Tuvalu. Both national and local authorities need additional investment and technical support in ensuring that their development agenda is not undermined by a changing climate.
In this regard, the Project will provide additional resources necessary to ensure that communities in Tuvalu continue to maintain viability of marine-based coastal livelihoods and to enhance capacity to respond to increasing climate induced hydro-meteorological risks. The main project components include:
(i) implementation of community-based climate resilient livelihood options to reduce vulnerability to future climate change;
(ii) enhanced communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination to increase the response capacity of outer islands to increasingly frequent storms;
(iii) and inclusive local planning, budgeting and budget execution for strengthened climate resilience.

The project is seeking a qualified short-term National Consultant to fill the position of a Disaster Risk Management Specialist, working alongside an international Project Development Specialist and National Climate Change/Marine Ecosystems Specialist. The Consultant will work to prepare a UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document. He/She will facilitate the collection and synthesis of baseline information, key partners and stakeholders, current policy framework and capacity/research gaps. He/She will facilitate local stakeholder consultations, consolidate stakeholder input and guide the preparation of the project in line with national priorities.
COMPONENT 1 – Technical Definition and Capacity Needs Assessment
Data collection on existing disaster management policies, plans and practices at both national and island level, including analysis of the National Disaster Management Plan and the Joint National Action Plan on Disaster Risk Management;
Identify specific roles, responsibilities and capacity in the disaster information transmission mechanism as specified in page 10 of the PIF, with gender disaggregated information at the community level
Identify existing equipment at the outer island level in relation to disaster response including satellite phones, radio equipment, public announcement systems, radios at household level;
· Identify and review existing and future vulnerability studies and assessments of climate change on climate hazards;
· Undertake needs assessment for DRM trainings and island disaster response plans in close consultation with the Disaster Management Office;
Identify menu of suitable technology(ies) to enhance the communication capacity between the capital and outer islands including early warning system and radio receivers;
Identify specific potential maintenance needs for the technologies adopted;
Assess existing investment through the Special Development Expenditure to enhance islands’ DRM capacity.
COMPONENT 2 – Institutional Arrangements, Monitoring and Evaluation
Assist the Project Development Specialist in the design of a Strategic Results Framework and the delineation of indicative project activities, with a specific focus on Component 2 of the Project Identification Form – Enhancing communication of climate risks, connectivity and coordination;
Define key project roles, responsibilities and project management arrangements for the project, specifically with respect to Component 2;
COMPONENT 3 – Stakeholder Consultations and Involvement Plan
Analyze the existing stakeholder baseline of the project by inventorying relevant stakeholders and developing a stakeholder involvement plan for the project;
Coordinate negotiations and consultations with relevant government agencies, project stakeholders and potential project partners to collect input and define a basic project strategy;
Ensure that project design is aligned specifically with respect to the JICA’s AM Radio project;
Carry out selected community-based consultations to assess existing challenges and capacity gaps in implementing island disaster response plans and communication protocols;
Undertake baseline survey as basis for elaboration of the GEF specific Adaptation Monitoring framework and indicators (AMAT).
COMPONENT 4 – Financial Planning and Co-financing Definition
Support the International Project Development Specialist in financial management planning and identifying and finalizing project co-financing requirements, with respect to ecosystem services and assets.
COMPONENT 5 – Drafting of Full-size UNDP/GEF Compliant Project Document
Liaise with the International Project Development Specialist and provide him/her with local assessment information needed to formulate a complete, UNDP/GEF compliant full-size project document
The Consultant will support the International Project Development Specialist in providing a comprehensive UNDP/GEF LDCF compliant set of project documents. The key deliverables in support of this product are as follows:
A summary of disaster management policies, plans and practices at the national and island level with analysis on roles, responsibilities and capacity assessments of each stakeholder who takes part in disaster response. At the island-level, gender-disaggregated information is necessary;
A list of mechanical inventories, with proper pricing and technical specifications, for the investment of equipment to enhance DRM communication facilities at outer island level;
Assessment of training needs among national DMO, Island Disaster Committees and communities for effective distribution of early warning information and early response measures;
Problem analysis and strategy for promoting climate-resilient marine-based coastal livelihood options
Stakeholder involvement plan
Strategic Results Framework for the project
Review and inputs to finalized project documentation (Prodoc, CEO Endorsement Template, AMAT Framework) as directed by the international project development specialist
These sections are indicative; As templates may be subject to change, the Consultant will be required to obtain guidance from the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor, UNDP MCO and the International Project Development Specialist on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP MCO requirements.
Postgraduate degree in disaster risk management or a related field in the Pacific Islands and/or with a 10year Pacific work experience.
· Experience and skills in facilitation or multi-stakeholder workshops and broad-based consultative processes;
· Previous experience of working with International Organisations and ideally on the development of GEF projects;
· Excellent analytical skills;
· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;
· Very good inter-personal skills and the ability to work with a multitude of stakeholders;
· Proficiency in computers; good working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet programmes, particularly MS Word and MS Excel.
Time frame:
The timeframe for this assignment will be a total of 50 working days over a period from March 2012 to September 2012. During this time the Disaster Risk Management Specialist will be expected to be in Funafuti as well as make occasional visits to the project areas across the country.
The Disaster Risk Management Specialist is required to have his/her own computer for the consultancy, and availability to travel to at least some Islands in Tuvalu during the duration of the consultancy.
All applications must include a Results-Oriented Curriculum Vitae with full contact details of three referees and P-11 form to be submitted by March 16, 2012 , 5:30PM Fiji Time either electronically to david.lumutivou@undp.org or addressed under confidential cover to:
Disaster Risk Management Specialist (Tuvalu)
C/- UNDP Resident Representative
Private Mail Bag
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Further queries about the consultancy can be directed towards Winifereti Nainoca (winifereti.nainoca@undp.org )
Women candidates are encouraged to apply.
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #217

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 14 мар 2012, 10:24

Вакансия для IT-шников на Островах Кука:
IT systems engineer
Summerfield Systems is a specialist in delivering professional IT services to consumers and businesses throughout the Cook Islands. We are seeking a full time IT Systems Engineer to join our talented team of dedicated professionals. The successful applicant will work alongside our existing Engineers to provide a high level of service to our existing client base. The ideal applicant will have: 3-5 years work experience, exposure to diverse small to medium sized IT systems, experience with Microsoft applications (Server, Desktop, SBS, Exchange), experience with firewall and router products, Microsoft Certified (desired but not essential). To apply for this position, please send CV and covering letter to jobs@summerfieldsystems.com
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #218

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 15 мар 2012, 08:21

Работа на Фиджи для финансистов:

The Strategic Engagement, Planning and Policy Facility (SEPPF) provides planning and policy support services to the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) to assist it in fulfilling its mandate to meet the needs of its member countries. SEPPF also assists members to formulate and implement appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation responses. SEPPF collaborates with agencies such as the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and the University of the South Pacific (USP).

The overall objective of the Global Climate Change Alliance: Pacific Small Island States (GCCA: PSIS) project is to support the governments of nine Pacific small island states, namely: Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Tonga and Tuvalu, in their efforts to tackle the adverse effects of climate change. The project aims to promote long-term strategies and approaches to climate change adaptation planning, and to pave the way for more effective and coordinated aid delivery on climate change at the national and regional level. The GCCA: PSIS project is funded by the European Union and has four key results areas:

1. Supporting national efforts to successfully mainstream climate change into national and sector response strategies; 2. Identifying, designing and supporting the implementation of national adaptation activities; 3. Enhancing the contribution of regional organisations to national adaptation responses; 4. Building regional capacity to coordinate the delivery of streamlined adaptation finance and targeted technical assistance to countries.

The GCCA: PSIS comprises a small team consisting of a Programme Manager based in Suva, a Climate Change Adviser for the North Pacific based in Pohnpei, a Climate Change Adviser for the South Pacific based in Suva, a Climate Change Coordination Adviser based at SPREP in Apia, and a Project Finance Officer based in Suva. Project supervision is provided by the SPC Principal Climate Change Advisor based in Noumea, and administrative oversight by the Director, SEPPF, Suva.

The position of Project Finance Officer is responsible to the GCCA:PSIS Programme Manager. The incumbent is responsible for providing financial management for the three-year European Union funded GCCA: PSIS project. This includes responsibility for the management of general accounting, project accounting, audit, budgetary controls, monitoring of programme and financial performance/progress, compliance with EU requirements, disbursement of funds and contracting with Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). The position will also assist the Programme Manager with the administrative and coordination duties associated with the project and be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the project office.

The Project Finance Officer is responsible for:
• ensuring that all financial progress and final reports on programmes and projects are submitted in accordance with donors reporting requirements in a timely manner; • capturing actual information from countries about the progress of the adaptation projects and interfacing this information to report on performance budget; • collaborating with PICTs to raise the level of financial management competency in the climate change arena to move towards greater accountability, value-for-money and outcomes; • regularly reviewing the budget and forecast to ensure that funds for the project are managed and operating effectively; • identifying potential issues related to risk management and advising on solutions; • ensuring that the project is delivered on schedule and within budget.
The role encompasses 4 major functions as follows.
Developing and implementing financial procedures for the overall project in accordance with SPC and donor (EU) requirements
- Managing general and project accounting in accordance with SPC and EU regulations;
- Audit and budgetary controls;
- Monitoring programme and financial performance/progress and financial reporting.
Financial tracking of country-specific climate change adaptation projects
- Assisting the GCCA team and PICTs with the preparation of budgets for each adaptation project;
- Timely tracking of implementation and expenditure for each adaptation project;
- In conjunction with PICTs ensuring that sound financial management processes are followed for each adaptation project;
- Providing support to the GCCA team, where appropriate, about the application of direct budget support to PICTs.
Providing timely and accurate financial information for decision-making
- Regularly monitoring project progress and financial performance;
- Preparing regular financial progress reports;
- Identifying financial and implementation issues in a timely manner.
Assisting with project coordination
- Assisting the Programme Manager with project coordination including office administration, staff travel, organisation of events and meetings, reporting as required.
1. Degree in accounting, finance, business administration.
2. A minimum of five years’ experience, including a knowledge of budgetary processes in PICTs and experience with donor requirements.
3. Experience with use of financial management information systems (SPC uses Microsoft Navision).
4. Understanding of project budgeting, financial reporting, audit requirements, and efficient systems for international fund transfer.
5. Sound administrative, coordination, relationship building and negotiation skills.
6. Advanced computer skills in applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel.
7. Strong written and oral English communication skills.
1. Demonstrated experience in the planning and implementation of climate change projects.
2. Work experience in the Pacific region.
The position is in Band 9 of SPC’s salary scale.
Salaries for staff recruited internationally are set in SDR (special drawing rights) and paid in the local currency (i.e. the Fiji dollar, FJD, in Fiji). As per SPC’s 2012 salary scale, the salary range for this band is SDR 1,896–2,844 per month. At prevailing exchange rates these amounts convert to approximately FJD 5,300–7,900 per month (2,220.18€–4,400; € 2,200–3,400).
Offers of appointment for initial contracts will be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration being given to experience and qualifications.
The organisation subsidises housing. A housing allowance of 75 per cent of the total rental, up to a limit of FJD 2,625 per month, will be provided. The minimum housing allowance payable is FJD 1,170 per month.
In addition, an establishment grant will be payable to non-residents of Fiji. Where appropriate, other allowances, such as an education allowance, may be payable.
While SPC remuneration is not subject to income tax in Fiji at the present time, this status is currently under review by the Government of Fiji. Any change in this status will apply to Fiji nationals.
The appointees will be eligible for membership in SPC’s Staff Provident Fund. Staff members contribute eight per cent of their base salary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution.
The appointment is for a period of three years, with the possibility of renewal for a further period depending on performance and continued funding availability.
Suva, Fiji.
Annual leave will accrue at the rate of 25 working days per annum.
Sick leave is 30 working days per annum.
SPC’s Staff Medical Insurance reimburses doctor fees, costs of prescribed medicines, surgical and hospital costs, etc. up to certain percentages and limits. Supplementary medical insurance is available to increase these percentage reimbursements and limits.
For appointees recruited outside of Fiji, the cost of air fares by the most direct and/or economic route for the appointees and recognised dependants, and reasonable removal expenses by sea of personal and household effects, will be met by SPC on appointment and termination.
SPC has a standardised computing environment based on Microsoft Office running under Microsoft Windows.
Smoking is not permitted in the work place.
SPC is an equal-opportunity employer. Recruitment is based entirely on merit, but in cases where two short-listed candidates are ranked equal by the selection committee, preference will be given to Pacific Island nationals.
The closing date for applications is 14 April 2012.

Only those applicants who cannot access the online recruitment system may send their documents to: Director-General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, P.O. Box D5, 98848 NOUMEA CEDEX, New Caledonia or submit them by fax (+ 687 26 38 18) or email (spc@spc.int, preferably as an electronic attachment in Microsoft Word format). All other applicants must use the online recruiting system. Applicants should provide their curriculum vitae and specifically address in their cover letter how their qualifications, knowledge and experience demonstrate their ability to successfully undertake the duties and responsibilities of the position. They should also provide names and contact details of three referees.
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #219

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 16 мар 2012, 11:48

Вакансия в новой каледонии:
SPC's Public Health Division (PHD) supports the development of healthier Pacific Island communities through four broad objectives under the strategic plan 2010-2014:
1. Combat and reduce the overall impact and burden of diseases.
2. Contribute to strengthening national health systems.
3. Increase the capacity of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) to address non-health sector determinants of health.
4. Increase the efficiency and impact of interventions.
PHD's primary focus is to provide technical assistance and to implement programmes in support of countries' priorities and plans. PHD has staff based in Noumea, Suva, Pohnpei, Honiara and Port Vila. Information on PHD and the division's strategic plan is available at http://www.spc.int/php.
The Grant Management Unit (GMU) is a facility in PHD for managing public health-related grants to sub-recipients, including PICTs, non-governmental organisations, regional organisations and civil society organisations. The GMU provides best grant management practices and enhances PHD's capability for harmonised and quality management of programmes and projects. In 2011, grants to countries were budgeted at around 11.49€ million, with the main funding streams being the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; the Pacific Islands HIV and STI Response Fund; the Pacific Regional Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Project; and the Pacific Non-communicable Disease Framework 2-1-22 grants supported by Australia and New Zealand.
The GMU is responsible for harmonising and standardising grant management processes and procedures for two of PHD's largest donor projects: the multi-country Western Pacific project (managing Global Fund grants) and the Pacific Islands HIV and STI Response (which aims to deliver high quality, performance-based funding services to the countries and regional partners).
The unit consists of three teams: 1) the Grant Coordination Team, 2) the Finance Team and 3) the Procurement and Supply Management Team.

The Financial Controller is a member of the GMU. The position reports to the Manager, GMU and works in close coordination with the Grant Coordination Team and the Procurement and Supply Management Team to ensure sound financial and grant management practices for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS grants to SPC as the principle recipient.
The incumbent is responsible to ensure that during all phases of grant management (grant inception, programme monitoring, grant closure and/or grant continuation) donor grant financing under the management of the GMU is disbursed and used by in-country stakeholders in a transparent manner and to achieve programme outcomes. The role involves taking into consideration the goals of using existing in-country fiscal planning and decision making processes, where appropriate, and promoting transparency in financial accounting and reporting. The position will also contribute towards harmonised approaches across all grant portfolios in PHD.
The position of Financial Controller encompasses the following major roles and responsibilities in support of PHD's strategic plan objectives:
* accurately preparing, analysing and reporting on monthly consolidated finance reports to inform implementation actions;
* managing the work of a small team of finance staff to ensure consistently high quality outputs are delivered within agreed deadlines;
* preparing and managing the GMU annual budgets, to ensure fund availability for implementation activities in line with the annual work plan;
* preparing ongoing funding requests on a routine basis with a focus on high quality data verification and variance reporting and analysis on strategies to maximise programme outcomes
* leading the GMU's engagement with external assessments (including external programme and data verification agents on a routine or ad-hoc basis) to ensure ongoing programme funding;
* developing and implementing an annual plan to systematically evaluate the financial management capacity of grant implementers (on and off site) to make and track recommendations to strengthen capacity;
* overseeing day to day use and accuracy of grant implementation data entered into and reported through SPC's Navision Finance System ensuring its satisfactory operation and service for end user need;
* developing and maintaining up-to-date SOPs for good financial management of grant funds at the GMU level (taking into account different donor needs);
* developing, using, and maintaining a register of programme implementation staff (finance and non-financial) involved in direct grants from PHD, and training, to facilitate an annual review of gender diversity in persons benefiting from grant funding through salaries and other financial support;
* contributing to SPC's strategic decision making with supporting partners, governments, and other stakeholders to develop financial frameworks that foster multi-sectoral approaches;
* preparing and delivering tools and training to increase capacity to budget for, use and acquit funds in a transparent way;
* establishing, operating and maintaining a financial risk management system designed to detect and alert the GMU to irregular expenditures and financial practices and opportunities that may facilitate unauthorised and fraudulent use of grant funds;
* contributing to the ongoing development and enhancement of systems within PHD, with a particular focus on financial systems and linkages between financial and non-financial operating systems;
* working closely with GMU Grant Coordinators, Grant Officers and Finance Development Officers, as well as relevant staff at the corporate level.
1. University degree in accounting and/or financial management, with a sound knowledge of financial and management accounting.
2. Advanced knowledge of and skills in integrated financial management and information systems or ERP.
3. At least 10 years' financial management/accounting experience, with prior experience in a management or leadership role, preferably in a large organisation using modern management and information systems.
4. Demonstrated financial management and analysis skills, including experience in a multi-currency environment.
5. Demonstrated experience in auditing or detailed examination of complex grants or programmes.
6. Excellent verbal and written English communication and negotiation skills 7. Experience working in a multicultural team environment with diverse stakeholders.
8. Advanced skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Navision and Jet Reports.
9. Willingness to travel and undertake overseas assignments in SPC countries and beyond.
1. Member of a recognised accounting and/or auditing professional body.
2. Master's degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or Finance.
3. Previous work experience in a grant making environment on donor-funded public health projects or programmes in a developing country setting.
4. A working knowledge of Global Fund financial reporting requirements.
5. Demonstrated capacity to develop and deliver training programmes.
6. A working knowledge of French.
The position is in band 11 of SPC's salary scale.
Salaries for staff recruited internationally are set in SDR (Special Drawing Rights) and paid in the local currency (e.g. the French Pacific Franc, XPF, in New Caledonia). As per SPC's 2011 salary scale, the salary range for this band is SDR 3,589-5,182 per month. At prevailing exchange rates, these amounts convert to approximately XPF 490,257-707,861 per month (4,288.89€-8,200 / EUR 4,100-5,900).
An offer of appointment for an initial contract will be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration being given to experience and qualifications.
The organisation subsidises housing. An SPC-owned or SPC-rented house or flat will be made available, with the staff member contributing 25 per cent of the normal rental.
In addition, an establishment grant is payable to non-residents of New Caledonia. Where appropriate, other allowances, such as an education allowance, may be payable.
SPC salaries are not subject to income tax in New Caledonia at the present time.
The appointee will be eligible for membership in SPC's Staff Provident Fund. Staff members contribute eight per cent of their base salary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution.
The appointment is for a period up to 30 June 2013, subject to a six-month probationary period, with the possibility of renewal for a further period depending on performance and continued funding availability.
Noumea, New Caledonia.
Annual leave will accrue at the rate of 25 working days per annum.
Sick leave is 30 working days per annum.
SPC's Staff Medical Insurance reimburses doctors' fees, cost of prescribed medicines, surgical and hospital costs, etc. up to certain percentages and limits. Supplementary medical insurance is available to increase these percentage reimbursements and limits.
For an appointee recruited outside Fiji, the cost of air fares by the most direct and / or economic route for the appointee and recognised dependants, and reasonable removal expenses by sea of personal and household effects, will be met by SPC on appointment and termination.
SPC has a standardised computing environment based on Microsoft Office running under Microsoft Windows.
Smoking is not permitted in the work place.
SPC is an equal opportunity employer. Recruitment is based entirely on merit, but in cases where two short-listed candidates are ranked equal by the selection committee, preference will be given to Pacific Island nationals.
The closing date for applications is 5 April 2012.
Последний раз редактировалось Serg from Piter 16 апр 2012, 09:06, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Serg from Piter
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Re: Работа в Океании

Сообщение: #220

Сообщение Serg from Piter » 03 апр 2012, 15:16

Работа для врачей на Маршалловых островах:
Republic of the Marshall Islands
P.O. Box 16
Majuro, Marshall Islands MH 96960
Phone: (692) 625-5660/5661 * Fax: (692) 625 3432 *Email:
rmimohe@ntamar.net ; jusmohe@ntamar.net
The Ministry of Health is accepting applications to seek replacement for the following positions:
Staff Physician/Family Practitioner (2 Positions)
Please find more details on this position and instructions on how to apply below.
POSITION: Staff Physician/Family Practitioner (2 Positions)
GRADE & SALARY: PL‐14/1‐14/3 23,275.02€‐26,278.25€ per Annum
FRINGE BENEFIT: Housing Allowance, Sick and Vacation Leave, and Health Insurance. Travel to duty station and return to point of recruitment.
LOCATION: Majuro Hospital
DUTIES: Provide family practice medical services and act in the capacity of a Family Practitioner, in doing so, the physician is expected to use his/her cross-section medical knowledge and skills, including minor surgeries; the field of Family Practitioner to examine, diagnose, and treat patients; assist and co‐manage or refer patients as deemed appropriate to/with the other members of the medical staff; provide training of appropriate support staff such as Emergency Room Nurses; assist Majuro Hospital in its outpatient clinics, make recommendations to the hospital administrator or Chief of Medical Staff and other health care providers in improving Family Practice medical services, conducting continuing education classes to medical staff, and other health care providers, carry out other duties as assigned by the Chief of Staff such as coverage of on call duties at the emergency room, participation in medical staff committees, and provide other services as deemed necessary etc.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Graduation from a recognized Medical Institution with at least four (4) years experience as a Family Practitioner.
FILING INSTRUCTIONS: Secure application form and return to the Ministry of Health. Also send Curriculum Vitae with email address to sorry_riklon@yahoo.com, rosam@ntamar.net, and rmimohe@ntamar.net not later than May 31, 2012.
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Serg from Piter
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