Мьянма. Фотоальбом, разные годы

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Сообщение: #21

Сообщение Hakuna Matata » 30 авг 2006, 21:31

voyager1970 писал(а):нет,делянка опиумная,все оттуда же. вот он,нехороший дядя,слевa

А, правда, кто это? Извините за политическую безграмотность
Захотелось пpойтись
По долине, заpосшею вишней.
А и то. И пpойдyся.
Hakuna Matata
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Сообщение: #22

Сообщение voyager1970 » 30 авг 2006, 22:00

Leader of Mongla returns to face crisis

Sai Leun a.k.a Lin Mingxian, leader of Special Region #4, tucked away in eastern Shan State's northeastern corner, has recovered from his protracted illness following a second massive stroke late 2001, said sources.

Sai Leun, called by the Burmese as U Sai Lin, made his first public appearance during the annual water festival in April, according to them. He was later reported by The New Light of Myanmar, Rangoon's official organ, as one of the well-wishers welcoming Gen Khin Nyunt at Kengtung airport on 18 may.
http://www.burmatoday.net/shan/politics ... a_shan.htm

"He has also resumed his former responsibilities as president of the National Democratic Alliance Army (Eastern Shan State), a post he had conferred to Sarm Per, one of his trusted lieutenants, during his long illness," said the source in Tachilek.

His comeback, however, coincided with China's recall for their tens of thousands of citizens residing in Mongla (Ref: Mongla crashes as Chinese leave, S.H.A.N., 18 July 2003) leaving the once booming city "dry', as the NDAA's main revenue derived from tourists form the neighboring Chinese province of Yunnan.

"Sai Leun had declared his domain drug free in 1997," said an insider source. "The Chinese latest action will be a test of how long he can hold Mongla away form drugs."

Lin had been, until 2000, among the ten drug suspects blacklisted by the United States. The State Department's annual report dropped his name from the list that year.

According to Invisible Borders: Reportage from Our Mekong, published in May by Bangkok-based Inter Press Service Asia-Pacific, the special region, 5,000 square kilometers and 74,000 people, was founded on 30 June 1989. Mongla is less than 10 km from the border checkpoint. Its revenue last year was 80 million yuan ($ 9.6 million). More than 80 percent of employees of the region's government are Chinese migrants. It has, until recently, witnessed an influx of 350,000 tourists per year since 1996, most of them day trippers form China.

He had, the report says, in 1990 asked China to help his campaign against opium planting. Since then China has spent nearly $ 1.5 million and sent out more than 1,000 agricultural experts to develop alternative livelihoods, such food processing.

But shifting away from opium and going into the market economy is no easy task, the report says. "From time to time we found poppies planted covertly in some remote areas," it quotes one of the region's top officials as saying.

It has also experienced the downside of the market economy. In 2002, farmers lost money when, after harvesting more than 4,500 tonnes of water melons, the Chinese had offered too low prices.

Also four years earlier, Mongla invested $ 3.6 million in the construction of a sugar refinery only to find that there was no market for it over in China.

[b]A large billboard of two smiling men shaking hands gives a clue. The one dressed in a Shan national costume is Sai Lin, the ruler of Mong La. The other, wearing a military uniform, is Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary One of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) and head of the dreaded military intelligence. Sai Lin, a.k.a. Sai Leun—whose real name, Lin Mingxian, indicates his Shan-Chinese descent—is an ex-Red Guardist who came down from neighboring Yunnan in the late-1960s to strengthen the Communist Party of Burma (CPB). He became a field commander in CPB zone 815, or present-day Mong La. [/b]When the Party disintegrated after the Wa rank-and-file revolted against its leadership in 1989, Lin headed one of the largest breakaway factions, the National Democratic Alliance Army. He was one of the several ex-CPB commanders to sign a ceasefire with the government in Rangoon. To placate Lin and guarantee he would not take up arms again, Burmese authorities granted him generous terms. Mong La became an autonomous zone and his well-equipped private army of several thousand men retained its arms. Additionally, he was given several business concessions—the tacit permission for the opium trade being the most lucrative. As the billboard commemorates, it was Khin Nyunt himself who flew in to seal the pact with a shady handshake.

Soon new refineries in his area went into operation. By the early-1990s Lin headed one of the most powerful drug syndicates in northern Burma with an output of one to two thousand kilograms of pure heroin annually. For years he was high on the hitlist of the US State Department. Meanwhile, Mong La boomed. Casinos, nightclubs and hotels were built with opium revenues and investments from Chinese business partners
http://www.irrawaddy.org/database/2003/ ... ongla.html
Carpe Diem

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Сообщение: #23

Сообщение voyager1970 » 31 авг 2006, 09:56

забыл упомянуть,что Премьер Министр Генерал Кьин Нюинт ,изображенныий на плакате справа ,был арестован в октябре 2004 ,во время военного переворота .его дальнейшая судьба неизвестна.

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/do ... 383929.htm
Мьянма. Фотоальбом, разные годы

A sdes' ves'ma poleznij resurs o narkotorgovle v yugo-vostochnoj azii.

Carpe Diem

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."
-- George Orwell
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абсолютный путешественник
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Сообщение: #24

Сообщение Alexey Fedotenkov » 31 авг 2006, 11:08

voyager1970 писал(а):забыл упомянуть,что Премьер Министр Генерал Кьин Нюинт ,изображенныий на плакате справа ,был арестован в октябре 2004 ,во время военного переворота .его дальнейшая судьба неизвестна.

Уже известна...
Правда, не совсем...
5 июля 2005 года был закрытый специальный трибунал.
21 июля 2005 года ему впаяли 44 года... На суде его, якобы, не было.
Сыновьям его дали 51 и 68 лет соответственно.
Отбывать срок он будет, предположительно, под домашним арестом...
"... Путешествия учат больше, чем что бы то ни было. Иногда один день, проведенный в других местах, дает больше, чем десять лет жизни дома." Анатоль Франс
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Сообщение: #25

Сообщение voyager1970 » 31 авг 2006, 11:34

его приговорили к етому сроку с отсрочкой.с тех пор новостей о нем небыло.в тюрме он или под домашним арестом-неясно.
как, почти все ,в Мянмар покрыто туманом.

Carpe Diem

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."
-- George Orwell
Аватара пользователя
абсолютный путешественник
Сообщения: 5488
Регистрация: 27.02.2004
Город: Коста Рика-Таиланд-Китай
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