Лечение и диагностика ВИЧ в Таиланде

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Лечение и диагностика ВИЧ в Таиланде

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение Seregin » 18 янв 2016, 10:43

Ребята привет!Я на форуме достаточно давно. Никогда не думал что мне придется интересоваться подобными вопросами.Но может быть кто знает или подскажет... Очень близкая подруга месяц назад узнала что она ВИЧ инфицирована,девочке 29 лет. Очень часто вместе отдыхали и надеюсь будем отдыхать в Тае. На форуме она не зарегистрирована. Очень хотелось бы ей помочь хотя бы информацией. Дело в том, что она планировала зимовку в тае,как обычно,но с постановкой диагноза все планы порушились в связи с прохождением доп.анализов и назначения лечения в РФ. Изучив определенные интернет ресурсы, понятно стало что в РФ достойного лечения не будет,и людей с ВИЧ пичкают устаревшими препаратами с сильнейшей токсикацией и побочными эффектами. А в Королевстве же качественные современные медикаменты американского и европейского производства стоят намного дешевле( в разы) нежели в Москве. У меня пара вопросов- 1)кто знает специализированные и надежные аптеки в Банкгоке,Паттае ,Пхукете или на Самуи где можно приобрести терапию для вич инф., нужны ли рецепты из РФ и как быть с тем,что рецепты на русском скорее всего выпишут в Москве. 2) Соответственно находясь в Таиланде, где она сможет контролировать свою болезнь,сдавать анализы? Всем заранее спасибо!!!
- Есть ли у тебя мечта? - Есть. - Какая? - Хочу бросить пить. - Так брось. - А как потом жить без мечты?
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Re: Лечение и диагностика ВИЧ в Таиланде

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение Sara » 18 янв 2016, 19:52

Здесь есть ответы на многие ваши вопросы:
Hello Dr Ben,
I gather the individual is not a Thai Citizen. I will endeavor to answer all the questions from both perspectives. Cost vary dramatically. Is a lengthy reply, as there are so many variables.
FYI, I have been HIV+ for about 7 years. I have lived and worked in Thailand for over 10 years. I am a Western guy. I have now retired and look after myself and enjoy life in The Kingdom.
The Thai Government have from what I have experienced a very very good medical system for all Thai's and Expat's. There are multiple choices from Private & Public Hospitals, Depending on the cost and the speed that you require. I lived in a major city for 7 years and was tested in a Private Hostpital (which you pay for as an expat) All Thais have almost free medical (if not hospitalised) When I needed my CD4 and Viral loads tested I have to pay. If I pay at a private hospital or public these 2 tests cost the following:
Thai Private Hostpital = 8700 THB = $281.37 USD (CD4 and Viral loads tests) *approx
Thai Public Hostpital = 1500 THB = $48.51 USD (CD4 and Viral loads tests) *approx
Both Private and Public blood tests are sent to specialized labs in and around the country. There are not many. For example Samui and Puhket will send blood to Bangkok. Results take about 2 to 3 weeks for both public and private.
The only difference between public and private are the cost and service.
PUBLIC: You have to pay cash, no insurance cover (at all) Generic meds, long waiting times, English is very limited. Cheaper.
PRIVATE: You can pay cash or credit card, Insurance accepted yet no treatment till confirmation that the insurance company will pay the Hostpital ( often have to pay then claim ... And often is not done correct and claims are rejected ) Generic Meds and Few Patent Meds ( at large Bangkok Hostpital's ) short and quick service, English usually available. Expensive
The medication I am on are all Generics. The Thai Governmental Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO) make all the medications at their Government owned plant out side of Bangkok.
I now live in one of the poorest (yet most beautiful) area's in Thailand. I go to a tiny hospital that supports some 300 differing villages, There is a HIV clinic part of this hospital with only 1 HIV Doctor that only works with STD's and HIV issues. Their system here is well, simple, easy, yet some times can be a little frustrating due to a small amount of lack of communication and organisation. I can get all Meds, CD4, Viral Load tests here, yet the wait time can be challenging, some times can take a whole day.
I went on Meds from this Doctor in Thailand and originally went on an older regime, ( AZT, Zerit, Vired ) for one month, and when I visited my Western HIV clinic and had a check up, my Western Doctor suggested and wrote a letter to change my Meds as he was worried that I may suffer long term from facial wasting. He sated that Thailand and India are leading the way in Generic Copy medication and there all should be no problems.
And there hasn't been. Retired and on permanent HIV Treatment here my results are great CD4 1230 and Undetectable. So I guess being on 5 year treatment with generics with my doctor the results speak. I have never taken patent meds ... Only generics.
My 3 monthly vist to the HIV clinic here with meds of ( Vired "Tenofovir" 30 tabs | Viramune "Nevirapine" 60 Tabs | Lamivudine "3TC" 60 Tabs ) and a check up costs exactly 5,176THB = $161.60 USD (3 MONTH Supply)
My Doctor in Thailand had no issue in changing my regime to what my Western Doctor requested, I am Her only Western Patient. The list of Medication Tablets in Thailand is as wide and as large as what I have seen in the West. In the Clinic that I go to theirs is a Huge Chart of Tablets that are available.
I do find that the language barrier is a challenge, yet my partner helps me with that, however this site gives me an enormous amount of information and resources, I think sometimes I know a little more ( knowledge from this site ) than Her on some things (5 years ago it was NOT standard in Thailand Public to do Viral Load Tests) so I HAD to request and Pay, Yet as doctors learn more and more here it's is now standard in my Hostpital to have a Viral Load test with all the other frills you would expect in the west.
In my Western country HIV medication is free yet there is a Pharmacy dispensing fee of $45.00 USD for EACH 30 Tabs so I would be paying over $150 USD a month plus a doctors fee, yet Meds would not be generic. I keep in touch with my Western Doctor by email, and try and go back every 2 years to check up with them, I get a years supply of Multivitamins (500 Tabs) made here in Thailand for less that 230 THB = $7.31 USD
Thou if you are travelling, living, or extended holiday in Thailand, there are large Private and or Public Hostpitals in most centers, Chaing Mai, Chang Rai, Bangkok, Phuket, Nong Kai etc will have a on duty doctor that most likely will provide a prescription for use at the hospitals medication dispensing section, as long as you are able to provide the doctor with your current treatment (I suggest take your Med Bottles, Country of Origin Prescription, and your current labs), and state that you need 3 months of the same drug regime. (Costs described above , yet vary from public to private and clinic to clinic)
I am yet to meet a Doctor in Thailand, United Kingdom, or NYC that will provide Prescriptions longer than 6 months.
Following are Hostpital's, and Centre's in Bangkok and Thailand that can help.
http://www.redcross.or.th/old/english/s ... icaids.php
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ho ... n_Thailand
Insurance is a touchy and challenging subject. If you are a Thai Citizen you can get most if not all HIV treatment, Meds, Blood Work for free. So that would negate insurance.
If (which I am guessing) you are Not from Thailand and are from the West wishing to visit "The Land of Smiles" for an extended visit, and are investigating "travel Insurance"! The only advice I can give is READ, READ & RE READ the fine print.
Thailand is currently under "Martial Law" after a coup d'état on the 22 May 2014. Having lived through the previous coup ... Things revert back to normal pretty quickly. Yet with that said Insurance could and can be a issue.
Most, if not all, travel insurance policies exclude claims involving martial law and coups in the fine print of their product disclosure statements.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-pla ... z39CEcRLce
So as far as insurance is concerned you will need to investigate what the insurance company will and won't cover, ie: travel related expenses, delays, cancelations etc. And the BIGGEST question you need to find out is what will they cover for a Hostpital Visit. Will a pre existing condition be covered? Will they ( I doubt ) cover HIV TREATMENT in Thailand and pay for costs and generics? ( I doubt ) what Hostpital's will they accept invoices and or have agreements with ( public I doubt will be accepted ) Most large western travel insurance companies have existing agreements with most of the larger private Hostpital's. They have terms and conditions (discount access) for the western insurance claims. Yet most if not all have to be approved before treatment. If you stumble into a Hostpital that is not on your insurance company's approved list, your claim most likely will be declined.
Yet with that said, having insurance for car accidents, accidents in General, theft, etc is maybe a good idea. Thou I strongly suggest you obtain a firm letter sating what they will and won't cover. After you pay the insurance fee, and then the claim deductible ( if HIV TREATMENT is covered) I doubt you will save money, as costs here are not like the west, is far cheaper.
If you wish to obtain insurance once you arrive be very very carful. I doubt any insurance company will cover you, as you are not a permanent citizen, with a work permit and on the correct visa. If you arrive on a tourist visa, I doubt they will provide you cover as per your visa. ( yet they may say , yes yes yes ( and Smile ) yet when you claim here often you will get no no no and a Smile again) All policies are in Thai all fine print is in Thai. Even if you are able to obtain a English translation, I doubt it will perfectly reflect what the Thai policy states, which may in tern lead to "Decline" under the "Thai fine print"
If you feel you may need hospitalization due to a illness that may be associated with HIV ( like Pneumonia )and you have insurance, the claim will be assessed on what the Hostpital informs the insurance company. It may (which I would request) not mention HIV, yet what is really the issue and a claim may be processed. If your hospitalization is a result from a accident then you just need to be very well,informed of what you will and won't be covered. Motor bike accidents mostly are not covered (with or with out a helmet or who's fault)
If you need and want insurance and you have done the pros and cons and have read and re read and requested special conditions on your policy for your travel, then I would obtain from your country of origin not Thailand.
I hope the above is helpful, if any more questions, happy to answer.
Andrew (Thailand)

Источник: _http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/Meds/Q237288.html
И еще вот:
List of HIV/AIDS Healthcare Providers

For foreigners and expats living in Thailand, here are the list of HIV/AIDS healthcare providers,

1. HIV-NAT / The Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (Government Research Institute)
104 Rajdumri Rd. Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel: 02 652 3040
e-mail: chris.d@hivnat.org
website: www.hivnat.org
Description: Clinical trials in adults and children; antiretroviral therapy drug monitoring and genotyping resistance testing.

2. Bangkok General Hospital (Private)
2 Soi Sunvichai 7, Phetburi Tutmai Rd. Bangkok 10320
Tel: 02 310 3130
E-mail: contact center@bangkokhospital.com
website: www.bangkokhospital.com
Contact: Winai Ratanasuwan
Description: Treatment, Testing and counseling

3. Bumrungrad Hospital and Medial Centre (Private)
33 Sukhumvit 3 (Soi Nana)
Watana Bangkok 10110
Tel: 02 667 1000
E-mail: info@bumrungrad.com
Website: www.bumrungrad.com
Contact: Anuwat Keerasuntonpong
Description: Treatment, Testing and counseling

4. King Chulalongkorn Hospital (Government)
Rama 4 Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330
Tel: 02 252 8181-9
Description: Treatment, HIV counseling and testing

5. Ramathibodi Hospital (Government)
270 Rama 6 Road, Thung Payathai
Rachathewi, Bangkok, 10400
TeL: 02 246 0024
E-mail: rawww@mahidol.ac.th
website: www.ra.mahidol.ac.th
Contact: Asda Vibhagool (Assistant Professor)
Description: Research , trials, training, treatment.
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