Квадрокоптер на Кипре

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Квадрокоптер на Кипре

Сообщение: #1

Сообщение The walking » 07 авг 2015, 02:44

Есть ли у кого опыт провоза и и запуска квадрика (фантом2) на Кипре?
Интересует все : е..ут ли голову на прилете при получении , полицаи уже на месте когда взлетаешь.
Был на Кипре в апреле полицаев особо не видел, но нашел , что летать даже дронам нужно только с разрешением за 10 рабочих дней.
Там вот так написано
(All aircraft including Drones)

Aerial Photography in Cyprus requires a permit from the Department of Civil Aviation.

Applicants requesting approval to carry out aerial photography in Cyprus (including aerial photography with the use of unmanned flying machines (Drones)), are required to submit to the Director, Civil Aviation Department, at least 10 working days in advance of the commencement of the activity, Form DCA/AF/3/EN or DCA/AF/3/EN/DRONES - Application for aerial photography in Cyprus.

The application should be accompanied by certificates proving the suitability of the aviation agency, responsible for the execution of the flights, the suitability of the aircraft and the pilot, details of the routes and shooting areas, including relevant maps, information on the dates and times of the operation etc.

After examining the application, the Department will set specific conditions taking into account the applicable regulations relating to flight safety. At the same time, the Department will coordinate with the Cyprus Ministry of Defense and National Guard to set additional conditions regarding the control of the photographic media and the final data produced from the aerial photography.
A final approval will then be issued by the Department which will contain the conditions of all the Governmental bodies involved.

The written confirmation of the applicant for acceptance and strict compliance with all terms and conditions set by both the Department and other concerned Departments of the State is required.

In the case the aerial photography work will be carried out by a foreign aviation agency, it is advisable, that a local representative is employed, for the purpose of facilitating the approval and flight coordination with the Civil Aviation and Military Authorities involved.

In the case when the areas to be photographed are not included within the defined Cyprus controlled airspace, then a request should be submitted to the Cyprus Airspace Management Cell (AMC) in accordance with AIC A004/2010 - FLEXIBLE USE OF AIRSPACE IN CYPRUS for the purpose of reserving the specific aerial photography airspace and issue a relevant NOTAM.
The walking
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Re: Квадрокоптер на Кипре

Сообщение: #2

Сообщение Sauron » 22 апр 2016, 11:47

Запускал в Августе 2015, без всяких разрешений, особых проблем не было. При провозе тоже.

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